Monday, February 4, 2008

Eighteen and One.

Let me start things off here by stating a couple of disclaimers. One, the 2007 Patriots were an unbelievably talented, discplined, and seasoned team, who set a lot of records and also won a lot of games. Two, fans of the 2007 Patriots are unbelievably arrogant, cocky, and rude.

They're also premature ejaculators.

19-0. 19-0. 19-0. Go fuck yourself.

You're 18-1.

In a game they couldn't lose, against a team who couldn't compete (whose quarterback is named Elisha) the Patriots did the unthinkable. They blew it. They lost. And because of their arrogance, and the they way the scoffed at doubters (Yes Tom Brady,Plaxico said 17 points), it was the most enjoyable upset in the history of American sports. The 1968 Colts weren't running around bangin' supermodels, posing for magazine covers, seething douche juices. Neither were the 2001 Mariners. The Patriots were. Douche cubed. And since the fans of this team are just as disgusting, the schadenfreude of this upset is going to be epic. This site is going to revel in it.

1 comment:

vfm918 said...

Schadenfreude [ˈʃaːdənˌfʁɔʏ̯də] - a German word meaning 'pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune'

Great word...